Should I get a male or female cat?

Cats make for excellent pets and it is easy to see why more and more people are getting them. Cats of all shapes and sizes offer something different and the decision of which type to get is up to you. If you’re considering adopting a new cat, you may be thinking that should I get a male or female cat?

Gender of the cat is not an issue as long the cat had been neutered or spayed. An unaltered male or female cat can show different attitudes and behavior than neutered or spayed cats. Male cats will spray urine, mark territory by rubbing their face on objects and fight with other males. Female cats may become pregnant, create more kittens, and continue the cycle of cat overpopulation.

Should I get a male or female cat

Male cats vs female cats pro and cons

When it comes to owning a cat, whether a male or a female, there are always pros and cons. It is sometimes difficult to determine if there are more pros or more cons.

Male cats have been known for being territorial and aggressive because of their natural instincts while females have been known to be less territorial and not as aggressive.

However, males also tend to roam outside more often which can lead to other risks such as getting hit by cars.

Male cats vs female cats pro and cons

Good thing for getting or adopting male cats

The first reason why a person should get or adopt a male cat is that they are less expensive than female cats.

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Male cats are also usually more playful and energetic, which can make them a good option for owners who have children that want to play.

Lastly, one of the most important reasons that someone would want to get or adopt a male cat is because they are better with small animal prey such as mice and rats.

Bad thing for getting or adopting male cats

Male cats can be a little bit more challenging to keep as pets than female cats.

For instance, male cats will typically mark their territory more often and at greater distances than female cats. This means that they may urinate or spray urine in areas where their owner would not like it, such as the owner’s carpet or furniture.

Male cats also tend to be more aggressive and territorial than female cats, which can present challenges for you to control them.

Good thing for getting or adopting female cats

Many people who have cats are likely to have specific preferences when it comes to the gender of their cat. Some prefer male cats, while others strictly prefer female cats.

This preference is often determined by the pet owner’s lifestyle and activity level.

Female cats tend to be more independent than male cats, they’re less territorial, and they don’t spray urine around the house which means they are better for households with children or other pets.

Bad thing for getting or adopting female cats

Female cats are often more expensive to keep than male cats. Female cats have to be spayed so they don’t reproduce, which also increases the cost of obtaining a female cat.

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When buying a new kitten, it’s important to consider the financial impact the pet will have on your life.

Choosing a cat gender tips

choosing a cat gender tips

When you’re looking for a new pet, one of the most important factors to consider is gender. Cats are no different in that regard.

The differences between male and female cats can be subtle, but they can also have a significant impact on your lifestyle.

So, here are some of the tips that can be useful for you when choosing a new cat:

1. Your preferred cat size.

Many people who like big size cats should choose male cats rather than female cats. Male cats are typically larger than females and many males have a more masculine appearance which can be a plus for some people.

2. Affection

First, most cat owners who have a male or female cat would say that the male cat is more affectionate. Male cats are much more likely to come up to you wanting to be pet or cuddled.

Second, when they go into heat (mating season), the males become territorial and may not want to be around anyone but females.

3. Aggressiveness

Male cats that are not neutered can be more aggressive than female cats. This is because the testosterone hormone is in their brains and it makes them behave in a certain way.

The hormones cause them to feel like they need to fight with other male cats and can also make them more territorial around their home.

Cats usually stop having these tendencies after neutering but there are some cases where this does not happen.

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Conclusion on should I get a male or female cat

Most people think that it is important to choose the gender of their new cat, but this is not always necessary. With many cats, gender doesn’t really matter and they can be your best friend and companion. Cat owners should make sure their new pet is neutered or spayed before bringing them into their home.

Resource: Petful

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