What to do with a stray cat that won’t leave

Stray cats are a common problem for many people, especially those who live in the country as many of these cats wander from house to house looking for food. These cats can cause problems as they can be a nuisance and even attack other pets. So, what to do with a stray cat that won’t leave?

The first thing to do is check whether the cat has an owner or not. If there is no owner, there are many options for what to do with the cat from adopting it or sending it to a shelter so that they can take care of it properly.

What is a stray cat?

What is a stray cat?

Stray cats are often abandoned by their owners, have lost their home, or have been outside for so long that they no longer know how to live around people. They are hard to distinguish from feral cats, but the difference is that stray cats are still looking for a human to care for them. They typically end up in dumpsters, homeless shelters, or even on the street, where they can get hit by cars.

Most of the time they will not have a collar and may appear malnourished, sickly, and hungry. They also have a tendency to roam in packs and can be quite vocal when alarmed or threatened.

Stray cats are often hungry and could be carrying diseases that could pose risks to humans, including rabies.

What to do with a stray cat that won’t leave

In areas where stray cats are common, they can cause a number of problems. In addition to being an annoyance to residents, the cats often carry diseases and parasite infections that may infect children and other small pets.

Here are the things that you can do if the stray cat does not want to leave:

What to do with a stray cat that won't leave

1. You can adopt the stray cat

Cats are independent animals. The cat has decided to stay with you for their own reasons, not just because you feed it. They might think you’re a good person and can take care of them, or they might just be comfortable with you. Whatever their reasons may be, we should respect them and give them the opportunity to stay. Your best bet is to get the cat spayed or neutered so that it does not bring home more stray cats.

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What to do when adopting a stray cat:

  • Check if you have the time
  • Can you commit to taking care of the cat
  • Buy necessary food, litter boxes, and water bowl
  • Neuter or spay the cat
  • Get them a collar
  • Provide them with a cat bed

2. Find the cat owner

Many people are unaware of the risks that come with adopting a stray cat. You should check for a collar and if it has been microchipped before you adopt the cat. The collar is important because it can offer clues to where the cat has come from. A microchip will give you information about the cat’s owner, like their contact information, address, and even social security number so you can get in touch with them before handing over your new furry friend!

3. Send the cat to a shelter

Although it is better to provide an animal with food, shelter, and love in your own home, if you are unable or unwilling to do so then you can consider sending the stray cat to a shelter. Shelters are able to provide food, water, veterinary care, and sometimes even adoption services. Once at the shelter the cat will be given a thorough examination for health issues by a veterinarian. The cat will be vaccinated and spayed or neutered if possible.

Problems with stray cats

Stray cats are a problem in many communities. They can find their way into your home, eat all of your food, attack other pets, foul your property, and other things. The following are some steps you should take to avoid this.

In our community, a stray cat can cause a lot of problems depending on the situation. For example, a stray cat may be aggressive to humans, spread diseases, eat all of your food, fight with your pets, foul your property, and so on. These types of cats also have the potential to have uncontrol population and littering problems in your community.

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Problems with stray cats

1. They can be aggressive

Many people don’t think much about stray cats when they roam the neighborhood. But these feral felines are often aggressive, especially when they run into someone or something that poses a threat to them. Cats can be very territorial and when they feel threatened, may bite or scratch in order to defend themselves. For this reason, it’s important to take precautions in order to avoid contact with them whenever possible.

2. Can spread disease and parasite

Stray cats can pose a serious health risk, especially in areas where they are not well managed. To start, stray cats can spread parasites and diseases like rabies. This is because cats carry these contaminants in their saliva and feces when they groom themselves or hunt for prey. Once cats are roaming free, humans often step on them or feed them by hand.

These contaminants can then make their way into humans through cuts and scratches. If humans are bitten by a stray cat, cleaning the wound is extremely important to avoid spreading the contaminants. Stray cats also pose a risk of transmitting diseases like feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus.

3. Break into your house and eat all your food

Stray cats are not generally aggressive, but they can enter your house and wreak havoc on your food supply. They will often knock over garbage cans in search of discarded food, eat pet food or dig through the trash. Even if you have a cat you should be wary of stray cats because if they smell out the food in your house they may break in to find more.

4. Fighting with your pets

Stray cats are not socialized and they do not know how to interact with people and other animals. A stray cat may attack your home cat or dog by biting or scratching them, causing an injury or even death if bitten by a rabies-positive stray.

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5. Foul your properties

Stray cats can foul your property and furniture. The cats often urinate in the corners, leaving a pungent odor. The cats also defecate in piles, sometimes near your doorsteps or in your landscaping. They leave you to clean up their mess.

6. Uncontrol population

Beware of stray cats in your community. The stray cat population can grow exponentially when left unchecked, and over time can spell disaster for the ecosystem in your community. A cat’s mating cycles are unpredictable, meaning they are able to breed multiple times in a single day.

What you should not do to stray cats

7. Littering, noise, and smell problem

The stray cats that are seen in our neighborhoods tend to cause littering and smell problems. These cats often find their way into trash bins, gardens, yards, or other places where they can make a mess. Stray cats also make loud noises. This noise is usually heard at night when the cat is hungry and looking for food.

What you should not do to stray cats

When you see a stray cat in your yard, the first thing that might come to mind is how to get it out. However, you should never use violence or any other form of intimidation to chase the cat away. The reason is that cats are very sensitive creatures that take fear and anxiety as a sign of danger. This can be especially detrimental if the cat has not been socialized before.


In conclusion, there are several ways to help a stray cat that won’t leave. One way is to adopt them, another is to send them to a shelter or try to find the real owner and return them back. In doing so, the cat may be reunited with their family and provide a much better quality of life for them.

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Source: https://www.stray-cat-advice.com/

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