Why Is My Cat Shivering & What Should I Do?

Why is my cat shivering? This is a question that many owners have asked themselves, especially when their cats are shivering, which is normally for medical reasons. Shivering is not uncommon behavior in some feline species.

Cats are known to shiver as a means of warmth during cold weather. However, it’s important to understand the specific reason your cat is shaking before taking any action.

What Are the Likely Reasons Your Cat Is Shivering?

Cats shivering is a natural response to their body being cold. When it’s chilly outside, a cat’s body temperature drops. Sometimes, a cat will also shiver when they are trying to cool down the air around them by evaporating their saliva.

It can be quite common to see your cat shivering for several reasons

  1. Your cat may be having low sugar levels in their blood.
    Your cat’s low sugar levels may be the result of a condition called hypoglycemia.
    This is a type of diabetes that occurs when there is a lack of insulin, which is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugars. Symptoms may include restlessness, unusual behavior and seizures.
  2. Your cat may be nervous or may be having stress.
    When your cat shivers, it is not necessarily because they are cold. They may be having stress or anxiety. The different types of shivers that cats show are indicative of their mood.
    When the cat starts shaking, it is a sign that they are nervous. The long, high-pitched yowls that cats emit when stressed out may sound like a wild animal has attacked them and they’re scared.
  3. Your cat is having a pain or injury.
    Many owners experience their cats shivering when they are having pain or injury. There are some cats that will be in pain for hours without showing any symptoms or signs of experiencing it.
    It is important to know the warning signs of your cat experiencing pain so you can take the necessary steps to avoid unnecessary trauma. Warning signs include your cat’s body posture, facial expression, and vocalization.
  4. Your cat body are having a fever.
    Your cat is shivering because of fever. They shiver because their body is struggling to maintain its normal body temperature. The fever also may be caused by a virus or a bacterial infection.
    If your cat is shivering for more than 3 days, you should see your vet. They may experiencing an illness and experiencing cold-induced shivering often suggests that it has a viral infection such as feline influenza (also called FIV).
  5. Your cat having a cold.
    Your cat keeps shivering and sneezing because it has a cold. The symptoms of your cat having a cold are quite similar to humans.

    Symptoms of your cat having a cold:
    – Coughing
    – Sneezing
    – Tearing up and rubbing the nose

    There are many ways to help your cat recover from a cold:
    1. Feeding your kitty with wet food, which has more moisture than dry food.
    2. Keeping the room temperature at a little lower than body temperature.
    3. Rubbing your cat’s forehead and ears with warm, damp towels or sponges.
    4. Monitoring your cat’s condition so that you can react quickly if they start shaking uncontrollably
  6. Your cat may be having food poisoning symptoms.
    The common signs are shivering, shaking, drooling, and vomiting. If you notice your cat has these symptoms, don’t wait until it’s too late to take her to the vet. It’s best to get her checked out as soon as possible.
    When your cat starts shivering due to food poisoning, you can help them by taking them in for a check up with you veterinarian.
  7. Your cat may be having seizures
    Your cat may shiver because of your cat maybe having seizures. Cats usually shiver when they are feeling stressed or scared, but sometimes it can happen for no reason at all.
    A few signs of your cat having a seizure include: rapid breathing, hunching of the back, drooping head/eyes/ears, extreme lethargy and urinating outside of the litter box.
    The experts also suggest that you keep an eye out for these signs because if you see them often enough then it is time to see your vet.
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Why Does My Cat Shiver When They Are Warm?

Why Is My Cat Shivering and What Should I Do

When your cat is warm, its normal body temperature is about 38-42 degrees Celsius. But, if they are cold, they can drop to about 0 degrees Celsius.

If the water in their body starts to freeze, they shiver. The reason for this is because shivering helps keep their core temperature up by moving heat from the surface of the skin to the deeper tissues.

Why is My Cat Shivering While Purring?

Cats shiver when they are trying to tell you something. Here are some of the most common reasons why your cat might be shivering while purring:

– They are trying to get your attention

– They are scared and needs comfort

– Your cat is cold and needs a warm place to rest

Why Does My Cat Shiver After Eating?

Cats shiver when they eat because the muscles contract and the body turn up the heat to fend off predators and regulate its temperature.

The shivering is not a sign that your cat is sick or in pain. It’s an instinctual reaction that allows your cat to conserve energy while hunting for food.

Why is My Cat Shivering While Sleeping?

Cats are known for their habit of shivering while they sleep. This is usually a sign that the cat is cold, but it can also be a sign of pain.

There are multiple reasons why your cat might be shivering while they sleep. Some reasons could be the following:

1) Parasites or skin conditions that require medical treatment

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2) Urinary tract disease

3) Muscular skeletal disorders

4) Infectious diseases

Why is My Cat Shivering After a Bath?

It is normal for cats to shiver after a bath. Some cats will also look like they’re shaking in fear. This is because the fur on their body is wet and they’re trying to dry off.

Cats will do this when the water in the tub wasn’t heated to around 100 degrees Fahrenheit or when it’s too cold outside for them to control their body temperature without shivering.

How Can I Stop My Cat from Shivering?

How Can I Stop My Cat from Shivering?

For some cats, shivering can be a sign of a medical condition or fear. There are many ways to help them stop getting these symptoms and we recommend checking in with your vet.

Typically though, shivering is caused by lack of heat which you should try to provide by using the methods below to keep your pet from shivering:

  1. First, avoid cold objects. This includes the air conditioner, water fountains, and even empty kitty litter boxes.
  2. Wrap them up in a blanket or towel.
  3. Provide them with a safe and warm place where they can go when the weather becomes too cold for them to handle like near a heater.
  4. Provide them with a heating pad that not only provides heat but also has an automatic timer so that it turns itself off when the environment becomes too hot.
  5. Make sure you provide your cat with plenty of food and water so they don’t get dehydrated and overheated.
  6. Offer them water that is around the temperature they are used to or slightly warmer if they are recovering from illness or surgery.
  7. Take them to the vet to make sure about their health condition.
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