How to stop cat from chewing cords?

Some cats like to chew on cords which can result in shorting out electrical outlets, leaving them exposed. If your cat is the culprit of the problem, you should observe them see what they are chewing on. So, how to stop cat from chewing cords?

We can use a cord protector to hide the cord, keeping them out of sight. Giving them enough chew toys to play with can also help take away that urge to chew on something dangerous like cords. Cats have a sweet tooth so spraying the cord with something that they don’t like as citrus or vinegar will deter them from chewing it.

Why do cats chew on cords?

There are many reasons why do cats chew on cords and we will address all the reasons in this section in detail.

Why do cats chew on cords?

They are feeling curious

Cats are curious creatures with an insatiable curiosity. When they find something new to explore, they usually want to pick it up and chew on it. This is why cats often chew on things like cords or shoelaces, which can be dangerous to their owners if left unattended. One theory for why cats do this is that they’re doing what comes naturally; predatorial animals like cats also chew on small prey items to kill them before eating them.

They are Bored

Your cat chews on cords maybe because they are feeling bored. Cats like to chew on things like cords and wires for a few different reasons. They might think the cord is a toy or it could be that they don’t have any other toys around.

To sharpen their teeth

Cats seem to think that they can sharpen their teeth by chewing on cords. But, what cats don’t know is that chewing cords can give them a nasty electrical shock and it could lead to death. Electrical shocks from chewing on cords can cause choking or internal burns and electrocution. It’s possible that cats may also bite into the cord without realizing the hazard because they’re using their teeth as a tool to get at the object of interest-the cord.

The texture and taste of the cord

Everyone knows that cats like to chew on cords. The texture of the cord is much different than what they can find in nature, this is why they continue chewing. Not only is the texture different, but the taste is usually foreign to them as well. The behavior can be dangerous when they are chewing on power cords (or any electric cord).

Their natural destructive behavior

If your cat is chewing on power cords, it may be doing so because this has become an instinctual behavior for them. Many cats chew on cords because they believe that it will relieve stress by releasing endorphins in their body. Although some other cats will chew on cables because they are aggressive and want to cause destruction around the home. If you find that your cat is chewing on the cords, then you should try to provide them with more ways to release energy.

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What can happen when my cat chews cords

When your cats chew on cords, it can pose a serious danger to them and you. If they stop chewing on the cord they are using, not only is the mess damaging to the furniture, but the cat also may begin chewing on other things in the home. This can result in an endless cycle of chasing down your cat every time it starts chewing again.

What can happen when my cat chews cords

They can get burn on their mouth

When cats chew on electrical cords, they can get a burn on the inside of their mouth. This burns not only hurts them physically but can also irritate their stomach lining.

They can be getting Electrocute

If you find yourself watching your cat chew on an electrical cord, keep in mind that it could be the source of life-threatening electrocution. Cats can be killed by electricity through their jaws and paws if they continue to chew after enough volts have traveled through the cord.

Sign of cats getting electrocutedIn numerous cases, a sign that a cat has been electrocuted is when the cat will have burn marks around its mouth and will appear to be coughing, drooling excessively, and not eating. In some cases, this can lead to the cat having trouble breathing. In addition, the cat may seem weak and lethargic in these instances.

They can cause fire

They can cause fire

If a cat chews on an electrical cord, it can cause a fire. Cats have sharp teeth which cause the electrical insulation to wear away, potentially exposing wires which could lead to an electrical fire. Chewing also causes fraying which exposes more bare wire and continues the risk of exposing the wire to more potential sources of ignition.

They can die because of electric shock

Can cats die from chewing cords? A cat can die from getting electrocuted if they come into contact with a damaged cord that exposes the internal wiring. In this instance, a cat can suffer from internal damage and death just from being near the device. This doesn’t happen often, but it’s important to know all of the dangers that could exist in order to keep your home as safe as possible for your pets.

When you have a cat that has been zapped by an electric cord, it is important to get the animal immediate veterinary care. If you are not able to go to the vet, call them and seek their advice on what you should do in the meantime. It is possible, though it will be challenging, for cats to survive an electric shock. However, there are several factors that will determine whether or not this is possible.

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Sign of cats chewing cord that you should know

Before we learn about how to stop cat from chewing cords, there are many signs that indicate your cat may be chewing cords that we should know first, including:

  • The smell of electrical wire Appearance of loose electrical wires
  • Sniffing behind electrical wires
  • Notice feathery hair around the cord
  • Frayed or burnt areas on an electrical cord
  • Visible teeth marks on the cord
  • A chewed up extension power cord
  • Visible drool stains on a fabric surface

If you notice any of these signs, it is best to take precautions to stop your cat from chewing your household electrical cord. Electric cords are not only dangerous for cats, but they are also very hazardous to the people who live in the house with them.

How to stop cat from chewing cords

How to stop cat from chewing cords

Cats are curious creatures. They like to explore and get into everything, including electrical cords. Some cats like to chew on these cords, which can be dangerous. We need to take steps to make sure our cords are safe for the cats in the household, while still keeping them accessible for use.

Use a cord protector

Cords can be a tempting chew toy to cats, and while they may find it entertaining for a while, chewing on electric wires can lead to severely dangerous situations. The best way to keep your cat from chewing the cord is by using a cord protector. This device will allow you to power your electronic devices without worrying about your cat getting electrocuted.

There are many types of cord protectors that you can use to prevent cats from chewing it. The most common is electrical cord protectors, which are flexible plastic sleeves that fit over the entire cord. These also come in different sizes to accommodate multiple cords if needed.

There are also cable clips, which are designed to restrict the movement of cords to keep them out of reach of pets. Cable clips can be mounted on small objects like tables for example.

Keep cords out of sight

Keeping electrical cords and wires hidden can help prevent cats from chewing on them. You can put it behind an object or under something so that they cannot reach it. Keep any cord that is not necessary out of reach of your cats, since they will explore anywhere they can reach.

Cats are attracted to the plastic sheathing surrounding the cord, which they may ingest. The ingestion of plastic can lead to an intestinal obstruction, which can require emergency surgery to remove. If the cat is able to chew through the sheathing, it will have access to live wires, which could cause electrocution or electrical burns.

Tied up Cord

Cord tie-up with velcro ties is one way to keep your cat from chewing on your electrical cord. The heavier the cable, the more difficult it is for cats to chew through. Cord ties can also help reduce the excess cord length that might be available for cats to play with. Save yourself some money and time by using this easy trick today!

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Using double side tape

Cats that chew on electrical cords are a major safety hazard. Double-sided tape is one way to remedy this problem. Cats don’t like the sticky feeling or taste of the tape, so it is often found to be an effective deterrent. The double-sided tape sticks to both surfaces of the cord, which can prevent cats from chewing on the cords because they are getting tangled in the sticky substance.

Spraying the cord with anti-chewing spray

You can use a spray that cats don’t like and spray it at the cords. It is even possible to make your own anti-chewing spray at home with water mixed with vinegar, lemon juice, or peppermint.

Provide enough chew toys

Provide enough chew toys

Cord-chewing cats should be given a toy instead of chewing on the cords or anything else. Cats should never be deprived of their natural instincts, but there are plenty of chew toys that your cat will love. These toys not only give them something to do, but it also makes for a safer household since the cords and furniture won’t be chewed up by your bored pet.

Provide a scratching post or kitty tower

Cats love to climb, scratch, and chew. If your feline friend has a tendency to chew on things that aren’t their toys, then you might want to consider getting them a scratching post or kitty tower to climb up. These products can be used as an alternative to chewing up the cords around the house.

Provide a scratching post or kitty tower

Use Vicks VapoRub

As soon as your cat smells the old-fashioned menthol of Vick vaporub they will not want to come around. If you have a cord dangling in the open, all you need to do is rub some Vicks on it and it’s done! The only thing that people say is that this doesn’t work 100% of the time.

Play more with your cat

You should spend more time with them and make sure they don’t get bored. Pets, in general, need companionship, and if they don’t get it, they can develop negative habits like excessive grooming or vocalizing. The easiest way to provide this care is to set aside some time each day for your cat to stay inside and play with you.

Conclusion on how to stop cat from chewing cords

In conclusion, the best way to stop your cat from chewing on cords is to use a cord protector, keep the cords out of sight, tie up the cord, use double side tape, spray the cord with anti-cat spray and provide your cat with enough chew toys so they don’t get bored and start chewing something they shouldn’t.

It’s important to be very meticulous in order to get rid of this problem. By following these steps you can make sure you don’t have any more issues with your cat’s destructive behavior.

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